Saturday 30 March 2013

Complete Human Hair Cycle

Complete Human Hair Cycle

Know it all about the mood-swings of your hair!!

The complete Hair Cycle

Hair Growth Cycle
Hair is the most hard-working part of your skin. They are highly exposed to sun, sweat, pollution, and chemicals that come from shampoos, conditioners, perms, colors and yet they continue to grow throughout the life.

Hair is genetically predisposed to follow a particular growth pattern i.e. grow, rest, fall and so on. This phenomenon is essentially an extraordinary one as in a lifetime; a hair follicle goes through the hair cycle 10 to 20 times, with each cycle comprising certain embryological changes.

The hair growth cycle is composed of three different stages: Anagen (growth) phase, Catagen (involution) phase, and Telogen (resting) phase. There is also a shedding phase, Exogen, which is a sub-phase of Telogen, during which the hair falls out. Anagen lasts from three to six years, catagen phase two to three weeks, and telogen phase three to four months. Normally at any one time, up to 80-90% of the hair is in Anagenphase, 10-14% inTelogen and only 1-2% % is in Catagen phase.

Let’s have a closer look at the hair cycle!

Anagen is the active growth phase of hair follicle. During this stage, protein and keratin are made. It is in this stage that the hair shaft is developed and expands to its natural length which primarily depends upon genetics. The reason being, dead cells of Keratin are pushed out through the scalp. An oily substance is produced by the sebaceous glands, which protects the hair and conditions them.  Generally, approximately 80-85% hair on a human head is in the anagen phase at any given time.

At the end of the anagen (growth) phase, the hair follicle receives an unknown signal to enter the catagen phase. This period lasts for two-three weeks. During this stage, the hair follicle shrinks, a part of it is destroyed and the dermal papilla breaks away, leading to the formation of club hair. Due to this, blood flow to the hair is ceased which hinders the supply of nourishment to the hair also.  Thereafter, the hair falls into Telogen phase.

In Telogen stage, hair doesn’t grow and dermal papilla is in resting period. Hair remains in follicle for about three months which gradually are followed by hair shedding. Primarily, hair fall occurs in this stage only. On an average 50-100 telogen hair fall is accounted as normal hair loss. If your hair is in Telogen phase then it’s likely that you may notice hair in your comb or in the shower.

By the end of this phase, new hair shaft grows from the same opening and a new hair cycle begins again with the descent of Anagen phase.

AK Clinics have conducted extensive research in this field. Often we hear patients saying ‘I have a very good diet & no stress; yet extensive hair fall’. A range of reasons can induce temporary or permanent hair loss that include stress, radiation, hormonal changes, skin diseases, nutritional deficiency, and chemotherapy. But one doesn’t need to worry anymore, at AK Clinics not only the doctors are highly qualified but they also use the most advanced & absolutely harmless way to medication consisting vital nutrients that help in controlling hair fall.

So, when the next time your hair put you in a momentary frenzy, you know it just a passing phase!! You Just need advice from doctors of AK Clinics!!

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